Valentine Relations

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Even as another Valentine’s Day is around the corner, we ask experts to explain what the day really means.

Couples who are secure about their relationship do not need Valentine’s Day, they celebrate their relationship every day and value days like their wedding anniversary and engagement day.

Every culture and country have their significance of Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day is named after Saint Valentine who was a priest or bishop in Rome. He was jailed for performing Christian marriages in secret when the Roman Empire was persecuting Christians. It is said that Saint Valentine helped couples to get married. The emperor Claudius (the second) believed that single men were as great as soldiers. Saint Valentine disagreed with this ideology and helped couples in love to get married. Saint Valentine was jailed and then beheaded by the emperor. However, during his time in jail he had cured the jailer’s blind daughter. In response she wrote a note of gratitude to the Saint on the 14th of February. That is the belief of how Valentine’s Day begins. According to this story, it could be a reciprocal celebration.

Expert Takes

Richa Hora, Relationship Coach and founder of Metaanoi, “some couples have understood that loving your partner is an everyday job. You can’t love someone for a few days or months and expect everything will be fine from now on and there won’t be problems or misunderstanding. By dedicating a specific day to make your partner feel loved is not important, it is important how you make them ‘feel’ every day.”

Dr. Gautami Nagabhirava, Consultant Neuropsychiatrist, Kamineni Hospital, “ultimately, there is no right way to celebrate valentine’s day but honest communication, managing your expectations, and avoiding social media comparisons are essential. Irrespective of your gender, whether you are single or in a relationship, it can be a great day to celebrate love, not only romantic love but self-love, and show appreciation and gratitude to family and friends.”                  

Able Joseph, Founder & CEO, Aisle, “many couples who are in a strong and secure relationship still use V-Day as an occasion to show their love and gratitude towards their partner. On the other hand, there has been an increasing number of people who don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day as it seems of no importance to them. These people rather believe that having an equal partner on the other 364 days of the year is as much a token of love as any other gift.”

Dr. Kanan Khatau Chikhal, Psychologist and Coach, “I believe ‘Love is gender blind’ and it is up to all genders to express their love through the gift. Although as a psychologist I urge individuals to share the gift of your “physical presence” and gift of time. The gift of something curated with your hands as the most treasured gift you can give someone in today’s day and age.”

Read the full story that first appeared in Deccan CHronicle dated Feb 14, 2022 here and here:

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