All About Terrazzo

June 15, 2019 Bindu 0

Terrazzo is seeing a huge revival that goes beyond traditional flooring that augurs well for home enthusiasts. Terrazzo traditionally a flooring material has seen a […]

Storage Ideas in Your Home

March 18, 2019 Bindu 0

As homes shrink, storage spaces are becoming smaller too but innovative thinking can come to your rescue. Storage is the key to good interiors and […]

Samaarc Designed Home

March 5, 2019 Bindu 0

A semi luxury project based at prime location in South Mumbai is a perfect ode to how cooperation between the client and the design team […]

Courtsey: HOF

Healthy Homes

June 5, 2018 Bindu 0

Do you know that your home can help you live healthy? Well this is indeed true as what you have within your home can actually […]

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Colour Balancing in Homes

June 9, 2017 Bindu 0

The importance of colours in a home can hardly be over emphasized. However while this is an important decor element, it is also something that […]

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Home Loan Checklist

April 26, 2017 Bindu 2

You are all set to invest in a home but naturally finances are a worry. With a plethora of financial institutions, this is probably the […]

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Home Security Solutions

December 9, 2016 Bindu 0

Imagine this scenario. Your son has come back home from school and the front door is locked. The child calls you and you are able […]