How to Beat Cancer

February 8, 2019 Bindu 0

4th February is observed as World Cancer Day because cancer is going to be the leading cause of death by 2025. However new technologies and […]

AI in Healthcare

November 20, 2018 Bindu 0

Technology is changing how healthcare is being administered in India with artificial intelligence making waves in the sphere Healthcare is breaking out of silos, becoming increasingly connected, […]

Data in Healthcare

September 4, 2018 Bindu 0

As the healthcare industry evolves, data and information of patients is changing the dynamics of how health is being monitored. The healthcare industry is on […]

Courtsey: HOF

Healthy Homes

June 5, 2018 Bindu 0

Do you know that your home can help you live healthy? Well this is indeed true as what you have within your home can actually […]

Pic courtesy: Pooja Misra

Exercise for Your Age

June 5, 2018 Bindu 0

Exercising to stay fit is a given in today’s times. However have you paused and wondered if the exercises that you are doing are apt […]

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Indoor Rowing for Fitness

March 4, 2018 Bindu 0

Indoor rowing is fast becoming a great choice as far as cardio workouts are concerned because of the holistic benefits and full body workouts that […]

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Meditation Matters

January 2, 2018 Bindu 0

“Meditation is the discovery that the point of life is always arrived at in the immediate moment” ~ Alan Watts What does exercise mean to […]

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Online Fitness

September 17, 2017 Bindu 0

The world is online – just look around and you will see that everyone is online whether on their phones, tablets, smart watches or laptops. […]