Reverse Dieting

January 31, 2021 Bindu 0

Reverse Dieting is a trend that is fundamentally all about eating more and doing less and is all about adjusting your metabolism. It’s the dawn […]

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Food as Medicine

March 4, 2018 Bindu 9

Do you know that by eating right you can actually control your health to a large extent? Well choosing what you eat has been scientifically […]

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Banish Winter Woes

November 30, 2016 Bindu 2

Banish Winter Woes Are you staring at skin and hair that will not cooperate this winter? Well fret not, experts tell you how you can […]

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Magic of Millets

September 27, 2016 Bindu 8

Millets Matter If you are interested in health and want to make the right choices as far as what you eat is concerned, read on. […]