Aryan Rajvanshi

February 3, 2024 Bindu 0

Aryan Rajvanshi, a 16-year-old Grade 11 student from Anand Niketan International School in Ahmedabad, who has created MechaCrop, a revolutionary project that uses drones and artificial […]

Buildings of the Future

December 13, 2022 Bindu 0

Schneider Electric co created a session with Commercial Design and Construction Week to host a neutral, credible, and meaningful platform for an industry discussion on […]

Flyzy – making flying simple

April 24, 2021 Bindu 0

Flyzy, a statup by Deepak Meena, Hansraj Patel and Arjit Singh is onboarding passengers with artificial intelligence (AI) led technology that is helping first time […]

AI in Healthcare

November 20, 2018 Bindu 0

Technology is changing how healthcare is being administered in India with artificial intelligence making waves in the sphere Healthcare is breaking out of silos, becoming increasingly connected, […]