Farming Technologies

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Technology is changing the way farming is being done in the country and is aiding sustainability as well.

A typical Indian farmer simply starts cultivating his farm without any projections in his mind or without knowing what income he is going to generate at the end of the season and on what date, this disastrous strategy is the major reason why many farmers fail to make profit. However, using technology can change all of this and these are the platforms that can help.

FarmerZone project
FarmerZone project

Other Initiatives

  • Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions (RBEI), R&D wing of Bosch has the Truefood+ Food Supply Blockchain equipped with capabilities of addressing core needs pertaining to food safety and information transparency when it comes to consumers, retailers, manufacturers, farmers and other supply chain stakeholders.
  • AiBono is an IIT Madras incubated next dimension food & farming platform that unites two ends of the food chain from growing to consuming and creates an aggregate from seed-to-plate using the power of communities, artificial intelligence, and the internet.
  • NeerX Technolabs Pvt. Ltd., has developed a low-cost sensor SHOOL (Smart Sensor for Hydrology and Land Application) used for soil sensing, which is used by ISRO and IARI replacing high-cost imported sensors for remote sensing

Read the full story that first appeared in The New Indian Express dated Nov 1, 2020 here:

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