Ferris Wheel in Singapore

Exploring Singapore

May 11, 2018 Bindu 0

The sobriquet of Little Red Dot may be often associated with Singapore but a visit to this city and country reveals that there is nothing […]

Rani Durgawati fort

Jabalpur Travel Guide

April 24, 2018 Bindu 0

The name Jabalpur comes from Jabal meaning rock and Pur meaning city. So that means Jabalpur is Rock City. Well until I visited the third […]

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Animal Flow Workouts

April 8, 2018 Bindu 0

Animal Instinct Did you know that mimicking animal movements is workout that actually augurs well for you? Well if you did not, it is time […]

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Summer Spa Retreats

April 8, 2018 Bindu 0

With the summer making an official appearance, the heat is certainly on. And if you are wondering how you can relax this summer and stay […]

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Indoor Rowing for Fitness

March 4, 2018 Bindu 0

Indoor rowing is fast becoming a great choice as far as cardio workouts are concerned because of the holistic benefits and full body workouts that […]

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Food as Medicine

March 4, 2018 Bindu 9

Do you know that by eating right you can actually control your health to a large extent? Well choosing what you eat has been scientifically […]