Ban on Rhodamine – B

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Rhodamine-B is a water-soluble chemical colour that renders a pink and red hue to an object and is used for dyeing leather, paper, and fabrics. It is not among the food colouring agents that are permitted to be used as per the country’s food safety regulations since it is an extremely harmful colouring agent that can potentially lead to cancer if consumed regularly.

Recently, several state governments and health bodies in India took initiatives to ban street food snacks citing health and hygiene concerns. While Gobi Manchurian was banned in Goa a month ago, another upsetting blow came when the sale of cotton candy, a sugar confection enjoyed by children and adults alike, was banned in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry. The reason for the bans was the presence of a potential cancer-causing chemical, Rhodamine-B, which is an artificial colouring substance.

The use of colouring agents is regulated by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) which sets standards for the use of food additives. The specific permissible quantity depends on various factors such as the type of food colour, its use, and the food in which it will be used. Street foods and snacks are considered as occasionally consumed foods and so, the use of colours is permitted up to 100 parts per million.

The use of rhodamine B in the food industry is banned due to its potential adverse effects on human health, including toxicity and oxidative stress when combined with food. Prolonged consumption of Rhodamine B in food can potentially lead to liver dysfunction or elevate the risk of cancer. Additionally, exposure to large amounts of Rhodamine B over a short period can result in acute poisoning.

Rhodamine-B was declared “substandard” and “unsafe” under the Food Safety and Standards Act of 2006. The chemical is not intended for consumption and can be highly toxic even if consumed in small quantities, leading to serious health issues. Some of its side effects include:

  • Consumption of Rhodamine-B can affect the digestive system and can lead to nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, among other symptoms.
  • The toxicity of the chemical can also result in severe damage to organs like the liver and kidneys, and regular ingestion can potentially lead to organ failure.
  • Rhodamine-B can also trigger allergic reactions in some people which may include skin irritation, itching, redness, swelling, inflammation, etc.
  • Exposure to and consumption of the chemical can have neurological symptoms like dizziness, headache, and seizures.

Read the full story that first appeared in Our Bangalore dated March 30-Apr 5 2024 here:

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