Birds of The Tamara in Coorg

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 The view of the majestic Wetern Ghats from the Tamara Coorg

The view of the majestic Western Ghats from the Tamara Coorg

One of my favourite resorts is The Tamara in Kabbinkad estate in Coorg. The main reason why I love this place is that this is where you can come up close with the mighty Western Ghats and its biodiversity. Being an avid birder I have never ceased to admire the wonderful avian species found here. The best part of this resort is that you will see birds all the time, all round the year – it’s just that you probably will see different birds. And that is where the charm of this place lies. You never know what avian surprises are in store.

Birds of Tamara
Birds of Tamara

Some of the birds seen here include Blue Capped Rock Thrush, Malabar Grey Hornbill, Scarlet Minivet, Grey Wagtail, Malabar Trogon, Common Emerald Dove, Nilgiri Flycatcher and more. Here are some birds I spotted and captured – if any names are wrong, am happy to be corrected:

Red Vented Bulbul
Red Whiskered Bulbul
 Juvenile Green Barbet
Juvenile Green Barbet
The Malabar Whistling Thrush
The Asian Fairy Bluebird
Oriental White Eye
Oriental White Eye
Southern Hill Myna
Southern Hill Myna
Yellow-footed green pigeon
Pompadour green pigeon
Coppersmith Barbet
Coppersmith Barbet
Blue Capped Rock Thrush
Blue Capped Rock Thrush
Malabar Hornbill
Malabar Hornbill
Scarlet Minnivet - Male
Scarlet Minnivet – Male
Grey Wagtail
Grey Wagtail
Scarlet Minnivet - female
Scarlet Minnivet – female
Leaf Bird
Leaf Bird
Yellow-browed bulbul
Yellow-browed bulbul
Vernal hanging parrot
Vernal hanging parrot

Thank you Lithin and Bopanna, the two enthusiastic naturalists at The Tamara who helped me spot many of these birds.


  1. Coorg through your photo lens are very beautiful great was really nice knowing about your valuable information. Thanks for sharing the useful information it is nice knowing about your place ,

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