Being Indian

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While I was watching the new TVC for Lufthansa Airways I was struck by the premise of how foreigners perceive Indians. And more importantly how important it is for us to retain our “Indianness” in a way that matters to you!

While I am a firm believer of the fact that you do not need to prove your being Indian to anyone, it is really my values that have always held me in good stead. And it is not a big deal – it is the small things that matter.

In my first year of college, it was a mixed group of girls with different sensibilities. Naturally soon groups were formed and only “friends” spoke to each other. I found it quite strange and made a conscious decision to speak to everyone and soon enough, had befriended mostly everyone in my class. And I never for once thought it was a big deal but perhaps others did!

Soon after moving to running a home, it became second nature to talk to everyone including help so whether it was the plumber, electrician or local shop keeper I always manage a conversation. And yes, they do always oblige me going the extra mile to do the work I need! I guess it is about talking to everyone with a smile that does the trick!

Once I started writing, this trait of mine held me in very good stead and I have been able to convince even the most timid of people to open up and even people of few words to speak up. And believe me it doe snot take too much at all, just put the other person at ease and you will see a transformation right in front of your eyes.

More recently on a press trip to Agra, there were several international journalists present and to the organizer’s horror one media person from USA fell very ill and medication was not helping. Luckily I was travelling with a natural spice mix aimed at alleviating a sore throat and cold. I was initially hesitant whether I should offer it to him but after I saw him suffering, I just went up and gave him the sample and told him to mix it wit hot water and have it. The next day I saw him up and ready, much like his normal self and he actually came up to me and thanked me. In fact the best thing he said was “I also gave this to Anna (another journalist from Italy) who was unwell so this really helped!”

And really, it is about making a small difference every day to who you meet and speak to that matters and I always thank my “Indian” upbringing for the person I am. And if you have not see the new TVC for Lufthansa check it out right here:

Here is an airline that is #MoreIndianThanYouThink.



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