Apps for Women’s Safety

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As cities grow and thrive, one aspect that needs attention is safety, especially when it comes to women.

As safety concerns for women do not seem to die down, there are a plethora of apps that can keep women safe.

A relatively recent incident when a Rapido driver assaulted a woman passenger in Bangalore made news for all the wrong reasons. A recent report by the Bengaluru Police Crime Branch (CCRB) has revealed that there has been a 23.9% escalation in reported crimes against women in 2023 compared to the previous year.

Here are some apps that can help:

  • Safetipin
  • Raksha
  • Women Safety
  • Smart24x7
  • 112 India
  • Shake2Safety
  • bSafe
  • I’m Safe

Read the full story that first appeared in Our Bangalore dated March 9-15 here:

A PDF is here:

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