Why you should eat Avocads?

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The much loved Avocado has been hailed as a source of good fat and even made it to the menu at the White House on PM Modi’s recent visit.

Avocado Facts

  • Scientifically named as “Persea Americana,” Avocados are fruits that can technically be considered berries.
  • Avocados originated in the highlands of Mexico and Central America. There is strong evidence that the indigenous people of the region have been using them for over 10,000 years.
  • Avocados are the Aztec symbol of love and fertility because they cannot self-pollinate and they grow in pairs on trees.
  • Avocados can stay on the tree for as long as eighteen months and they will not ripen until removed from the branch.
  • There exist 1,062 varieties of avocado and a single avocado tree can produce up to 500 avocados per year. Now that’s a lot of avocados.

Pros Of Eating Avocados

  • Loaded with nutrients It can have a lot of fat
  • Reduce and prevent cancer Extremely expensive
  • Removes bad breath Cause harm to the liver
  • Improve liver health Cause blood clotting
  • Lowers the blood pressure Cause excess bleeding
  • Rich source of vitamin K Can be allergic
  • Versatile in use A problem like mouth sores
  • Good for the kidney Reduce the milk for breastfeeding

To read more about this incredible ingredient read here, here and here.

Read the full story that first appeared in Money Control here:

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