Magical Macao

September 29, 2021 Bindu 0

Blending the contemporary with the traditional seamlessly, Macao has not forgotten its Portuguese history that adds to its character and unique identity. The historic center […]

Backyard Birding

September 29, 2021 Bindu 0

Lessons from nature help maintain sanity during the pandemic, as much as it is an eternal source of joy for the soul. The pandemic and […]

Swings in Home Decor

September 28, 2021 Bindu 0

Adding a swing to your home can amp the décor aspect several notches higher as these experts tell you. Swings were a staple in old […]

Coffee Cosmetics: mCaffeine

September 28, 2021 Bindu 0

mCaffeine is a new age coffee based cosmetic brand that is India’s first Caffeinated Personal Care Brand. While coffee is my favourite drink and something […]

Travelling in the New Age

September 27, 2021 Bindu 0

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed how people will travel and while its shadows continue to lurk, travelers are now choosing to travel differently. Even as […]

The Quest for Immortality

September 27, 2021 Bindu 0

A recent report where experts have speculated that humans could achieve immortality by 2050 has brought the focus back on the human need for immortality. […]

Carpets and Wood Flooring

September 22, 2021 Bindu 0

Wooden floors and carpets are making floors glamorous and giving them a design statement as well. Natural hardwood floors create a soft and warm feeling […]